Monday, 10 November 2014

The Weekend That Was In Property - Monday 10 November, 2014

The week or weekend that was in Property. The latest NOISE when it comes to all things property.

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The Weekend that was in Property 


Monday 10 November, 2014

Good Morning!

Search for new Auckland CVs crashes council website

Auckland Council's website crashed this morning, with people eager to find out the new value of their home overloading the site.Today the Auckland Council released individual capital valuations online. Although the news valuations… …read more


Other Property Noise for the weekend...


Labour rift over capital gains tax

Labour's leadership contest has turned into a showdown on the party's capital gains tax policy, with Andrew Little and …read more

Commercial returns at six-year high

Returns from commercial property are now at their highest level since 2008, the Property Council says. …read more

Coutts' wall irks neighbour

A concrete wall and a mega-mansion Sir Russell Coutts is building on the Whangaparaoa Peninsula is causing controversy …read more

Buyers feeling more confident: ASB

Positive sentiment may be brewing among would-be property buyers, the ASB's latest housing confidence survey shows. …read more

What do you think of councils' land use rules?

Property developers and investors' views are being sought on the way local government makes land available for housing. …read more


Technology and its impact on the real estate industry

By Alistair Helm

I was recently invited to deliver a lecture to students at the Department of Property, University of Auckland Business School on the impact of technology in the real estate process. I thought having delivered the lecture I would share the content of the lecture and the slides as a synopsis of my thinking.

I chose as my title for the lecture this excellent quote I have used many times over the years when talking to real estate agents about the transformative impact of technology in their industry. "Agents will not be replaced by technology  …read more

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