Friday, 29 August 2014

FW: The Week That Was In Property - Thursday 28 August, 2014


The week or weekend that was in Property. The latest NOISE when it comes to all things property.

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The Week that was in Property 


Thursday 28 August, 2014

Good Morning!

The key property NOISE of the week:

Massive shortage looming: Report

New Zealand faces a chronic housing shortage the size of three major cities within 20 years, a new report from a think tank says. …read more

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Other Property Noise for the week...


1. Housing plan: Winners and losers

The National Party's proposed home loan subsidies could help many young people into their first homes …read more

2. Election 2014: Labour promises 100,000 more affordable homes

Labour would be able to offer first home buyers two-bedroom properties in Auckland for as little as $360,000 …read more

3. Greens propose to fund WOF tests for all rental homes

The Greens have gone "one up" on their potential Labour coalition partner with a proposal to require and fund a full warrant  …read more

4. Auckland Airport's land bank value soars to $2.6b

Auckland International Airport's vast Mangere land bank rose in value by $734 million between June 2011 and June 2014 …read more

5. Cycle has passed its peak, says NZIER

The Institute of Economic Research considers the economic cycle has passed its peak …read more


Editorial: Demand for investment property the problem

Quite rightly, National's first subject of the election campaign is housing. With the economy performing well on most other fronts the residential property market remains its major defect. …read more

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BNZ boss warns of higher home loan rates

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