Thursday, 31 July 2014

The Week that was in Property

The Week that was in Property 


Thursday 31 July, 2014

Good Morning!

The key property NOISE of the week:


Trade Me Property changes its pricing model – again!

By Alistair Helm

Trade Me Property today announced a new pricing structure almost a year after the implementation of the radical switch from a subscription model to a pay-per-listing business model. That model has, so it seems, proved to be a too great a stretch for the industry to accept …read more

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Other Property Noise for the week...

1. Canterbury's building crisis as widespread as leaky home issue

A building crisis in Canterbury could be as widespread as the leaky home issue, lawyers say.More evidence of shoddy repair jobs is making its way into court, with home owners suing insurers and building companies over earthquake… …read more

2. Delay causes concern

Many landlords are stuck in limbo after the Reserve Bank announced it would delay the implementation of higher capital requirements for mortgages when investors have more than five properties. …read more

3. Landlord lashes out at quake law

Heritage building owners are struggling financially, unable to upgrade their places, breaching banking covenants and forced to sell properties cheaply, says a landlord. Terry Gould of Phillimore Properties, which owns the NZ Institute… …read more

4. Banks call for low-deposit applications

Banks want to hear from first-home buyers with small deposits. Since last year, they have had to keep their lending to borrowers with less than a 20% deposit to no more than 10% of new lending   …read more

5. Council invited developer to buy QEII Square, private papers reveal

The privatisation of Queen Elizabeth Square for a giant mall downtown in the CBD was initiated by Auckland Council last year, documents show …read more


Real estate industry abandons print media!

OK – this headline is not quite true. But I couldn't help myself to take the opportunity to headline an article that I never foresee occurring, a least not anytime soon.

So the real headline is
Real Estate Industry Authority abandons print media

The news is that the Real Estate Agents Authority (REAA) the body that has under the mandate of the Real Estate Agents Act (2008) undertakes the licensing of the industry has after 4 years in existence decided (very smartly in my view) that there is no logic in requiring that prospective agents advertise as a Public Notice their …read more

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